Please read carefully the terms of this License Agreement before installing or using the SOFTWARE. This is a legal agreement between you (an individual or a corporation) and Roland Corporation (herein referred to as "Roland") regarding the usage of this software product (herein referred to as "SOFTWARE"). The foregoing provision is effective even if Roland Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use this updater. * If you press the ( EXIT ) button, loading will be canceled.

The settings of the kit loaded from the USB flash drive are overwritten onto the kit that you selected in step 3.

* Before using a USB flash drive for the first time, you must format it on the TD-25 ( Parameter guide - Formatting a USB Flash Drive ).