contact Miss on Discord or do a pull request on Github to add your own titlepacks to this list.The following titlepacks have been selected to automatically enable this patch: This is normally intentionally blocked by Nadeo for several reasons, but technically everything works just fine. With the Stadium Unlock plugin, it becomes possible to unlock the Stadium environment mixing in ManiaPlanet. If for some reason you want to natively play with non-Stadium cars in Stadium though - here's a description. Many titlepacks have worked around this issue by implementing custom Maniascripts and adding custom vehicle items to maps. It's out now, though it's quietly been live for while now.This is a bit of an older technique, as since Maniaplanet 4.1 this patch is not that important anymore. It's everything you'd expect it to be, but behind a tiled nightmare of a front-end. Anyway, Stadium actually brings back the classic, gleaming TM environment, with more new tracks and building blocks. It's so confusing when it doesn't need to be. ShootMania's add-ons all require the base game, but Stadium is a separate game that exists apart from Trackmania 2: Canyon, though they both take space in the launcher with another game and its smaller addons. You know the one where the Windows 8 developers took over the world and applied confusing, tile-based UI design to everything. Mixing game-modes and full games in the front-end of the launcher is baffling, and after spending some time with ShootMania, I can only conclude that it only works in a dimension adjacent to our own. I know what it does and how it works, but only after doing some actual research. This ManiaPlanet thing doesn't work for me. I do have a bone to pick with you, Nadeo. This update, which they've called TrackMania 2: Stadium (though should be TrackMania 2: Skiddy Hyper Max 12 Torque Shiny Shiny Shiny), has just gone live. I'd be so bold to call it the Street Fighter of racing games, complete with the silly names. Something easy to pick up, with plenty of options. It's the simplicity of the driving and the complexity of the tracks that grabs me. It leaves the rest revving up on the starting grid in the race to my heart, crashes headfirst into an cruelly-placed gap, then instantly restarts. New TrackMania! Hooray! Nadeo's skid-heavy racing series is the only car game that I'm actively interested in.